Resolve to be a safer driver in 2022
An Important Message from Dallas Hammit, Deputy Director for Transportation
Most motor vehicle crashes are preventable, which means we can all take steps to keep ourselves, and others, safe on the road.
Simple things like wearing your seatbelt, slowing down, paying attention and never driving impaired can keep you and your passengers alive and uninjured.
It’s a new year, and now is a great time to commit to better, safer habits. As I do every year, I’m asking you to join me in resolving to be a safer driver. To start things off, I encourage you to print and sign our Driving Safety Home pledge. By doing so, you’re showing your commitment to making safety a priority.
I also suggest you check out the Focus on Driving website for information, videos and safety tips on a variety of topics, including work zone safety, quick clearance, roundabouts and how to maneuver in snowy conditions.