Resolve to be a safer driver in 2021
An Important Message from Dallas Hammit, Deputy Director for Transportation
The new year is a good time to set goals and determine your priorities. This year, I hope that you’ll join me in resolving to be a safer driver.
I actually hope for this every year. I believe there’s always room to do better when it comes to safety behind the wheel.
Deciding to NEVER drive distracted is a great place to start. That means when you’re driving, you are only focused on driving — no phone calls, text messages or social media scrolling! Besides keeping you safer on the road, it will also keep you from getting a costly ticket. On Jan. 1, the final phase of the statewide texting and driving ban went into effect, and violations of the new law will result in fines.
Here are a few more suggestions:
- Don’t speed and don’t drive aggressively.
- Never drive impaired.
- Buckle up and make sure your passengers are wearing their seat belts, too.
- Move Over
- Expect the unexpected in work zones
- Know what to do when you encounter dangerous conditions like snow and dust storms.
Finally, I want to encourage you to print out and sign our Driving Safety Home pledge. By doing so, you agree to make safety a priority and set a positive example for others.
Let’s make 2021 a safe year for ourselves, for our friends and family, and for everyone we share the road with!